Wednesday, April 6, 2011

a week in recap

So I'm a little behind on posting these responses, but here are some blurbs on the past week of my experience at Johnson.

Wednesday, March 30
Today started the unit I'm teaching on databases. I started out today by writing a few sentences on the board in Czech and asking the students what they meant. Obviously, no one knew, but the point was that they wouldn't. I wanted them to understand that databases have their own language that has to be learned, in order to be successful at using it (just like I had to learn Czech in order to happily live in that country). Rhonda said it was a good analogy and I think it made sense to the students.

We worked through the textbook on the vocab and I gave them a review sheet to reinforce the important vocab.

Thursday, March 31
The students started into Access today and I think it went really well. We used the vocabulary we learned yesterday in order to actually use the software: fields, records, field properties, etc were taught today and the students went through Practice 2 and 3 to reinforce how to create their own database.

We went into the classroom beside us to teach, since Tyler was teaching using the main computer in the regular classroom.

Today's lesson was shorter, given the shortened classes due to the Teachers meeting at 8am, so by the time everyone got there, did their warm ups and timings, and relocated to the second room, I probably only had 25 mins to teach.